About us

Created in 2005, the CWP-Canadian Region is composed of women parliamentarians of the provincial and territorial Canadian legislatures and the federal parliament. Its aims and objectives are to:

  • provide opportunities for strategic discussion and development for future and current parliamentarians;
  • increase female representation in our parliaments;
  • foster closer relationships among Canadian women parliamentarians
  • foster relations with other countries having close parliamentary ties with Canada; and
  • discuss, strategize and act on gender-related issues in Canada and internationally.

The CWP pursues these objectives by means of annual Commonwealth parliamentary conferences and regional conferences, outreach programs and participation in many campaign schools across the country.

Our Mission

CWP will assist Canadian women and girls to discover their political potential, experience the fulfillment of a career in public service and create a better society.

Our Vision

CWP envisions women as equal partners in the Canadian Parliament and provincial and territorial legislatures.

CWP Canadian Region Constitution - 2006

Click here to open the PDF version of the document.

Past Chairs

For example, the term of office of Ms. Susan Leblanc will be for three years from the conclusion of the Annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference in 2023 to the conclusion of the Annual Commonwealth Conference in 2026:

  • Ms. Susan Leblanc - Nova Scotia - 2023-
  • Ms. Lisa Thompson - Ontario - 2020-2023
  • Ms. Laura Ross - Saskatchewan - 2017-2020
  • Ms. Linda Reid - British Columbia - 2014-2017
  • Ms. Myrna Driedger - Manitoba - 2011-2014
  • Ms. Maria Minna - Canadian Branch - 2008-2011
  • Ms. Charlotte L'Écuyer - Québec - 2006-2008


The CWP Canada Region has undertaken a project in 2014 to promote the work of the CWP through a short bilingual video produced during an outreach session which can be found below.

CWP International

The CWP (International) was founded by women delegates at the 1989 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) plenary conference so women at future conferences could discuss ways to increase female representation in parliament and work toward the main-streaming of gender consideration in all CPA activities and programs. In 2004, the group was formally recognized in the CPA Constitution and its elected chairperson was added to the CPA Executive Committee. A steering committee of 10 members plans its activities.